Chiropractor blog


Chiropractor blog New Jersey

Losing Weight in the Morning Time

April 17, 2017

Losing weight begins when the alarm clock goes How you ask? Morning time is full of potential, but most of us don’t take advantage of it’s capacity to encourage weight loss. Interestingly, it actually starts before you wake; a healthy and regular sleep cycle is an important way to keep stress down and weight off. Once you…

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Lifting: Not as Easy as it Looks

April 7, 2017

Lift right to keep the body injury free The lift is a motion which tends to increase the weight of the upper body and therefore place a great strain on the muscles and structures in the lower back. This means that it is one of the motions where we are most prone to injuries which…

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The Mechanics of Your Butt Muscles

April 4, 2017

Butt muscles don’t come in for enough attention when it comes to back pain But they can be every bit as crucial of a factor as the actual muscles in the back when it comes to causing you a pain in the lower back. The nerves in the lower back reach down into the lower…

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Sleeping with Chronic Pain

March 15, 2017

Chronic pain and sleep hardly make for a happy relationship. Sleep is necessary for immune function and fighting pain, but the pain itself prevents you from finding sleep. This cycle perpetuates itself because sleeplessness further adds to anxiety which makes dealing with pain even more difficult. Anyone who struggles with chronic back pain, headaches or…

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Ultimate Relaxation: Stretching in the Shower

March 10, 2017

You can stretch wherever you want And there is no better place than the shower: the hot water is already relaxing muscles and calming the mind, why not take the healing up a notch by adding in a few simple stretches. We aren’t asking for any intense yoga poses done over slippery tile- let’s keep…

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Keeping Fitness Fun

March 7, 2017

Fitness and fun are not mutually exclusive entities For people who feel like getting fit is a drag, it’s time to start thinking outside the box. While we are not all made to hit the gym 3 times a week or be religious runners, we still need all of the benefits that come from regular…

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Stretching for the Serially Inflexible

March 1, 2017

Preserving flexibility Who can blame you for being inflexible when you work at a desk for a living? It is hardly an environment that contributes to anything other than a further tightening of muscles and deterioration of joints. That makes it all the more important to be proactive about preserving your flexibility- after all you…

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Doing Something Over Nothing

March 1, 2017

At a loss as to what to do? One of the most powerful ways you can turn the tide of fitness in your favor is by choosing to do something over nothing. There will be plenty of days when you are too exhausted from working to consider anything else besides vegging on the couch- but…

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Releasing Stress from Your Desk

February 23, 2017

At the most basic level, the office is harming your back. Sitting for hours on end is not good for the spine, and chances are posture is a constant struggle that we often lose. Coupled with the fact that we are barely moving and our circulation is stagnant, it is no wonder that we treat…

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Making the Daily Commute Less Painful

February 15, 2017

Wasting precious minutes of your life away in traffic and making it to work without a minute to spare is a recipe for stress that sets your day off on the wrong foot. Furthermore, our car seats are hardly designed for good posture, which means we may be causing damage to our bodies as well.…

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