Make 2022 the Year of Preventative Health

Health is trending for 2022 What is more important than your health in 2022? Trending aside, this new year is awash with possibilites for improving your health on a holistic scale. At our office we are concerned with two parts of holistic wellness: Preventative Healthcare Musculoskeletal Medicine We focus on using natural modalities to improve…

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Merry Christmas from a Concerned Chiropractor

Christmas has a way of hampering people’s fitness progress Nowhere is this more evident than in our spines! The most important things we can do for our spines are:  Maintain a healthy weight Maintain a reasonable level of activity Avoid inflammation Practice good posture The holiday season puts all of this in jeopardy; studies show…

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Spinal Traction: Is it Right for You?


Why does spinal decompression feel so good?  Spinal traction is a type of decompression therapy that we provide that is designed to relieve pressure on the spine. Through our everyday activities, we submit our spines to compressive forces that move vertebrae out of alignment, threaten spinal joints and cause overall degradation. As you get older,…

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Holiday Health Objective: Don’t Let the Food Derail your Fitness Plan


Holiday foods are filled with inflammation-causing agents This might not be what you want to hear right before the holiday baking season kicks into full swing. And it certainly doesn’t make for great conversation around the baking table. But if you suffer from back pain, it is worth carrying a dose of awareness with you…

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