chiropractor Teaneck NJ.
chiropractor Teaneck NJ. 07666
chiropractor Teaneck NJ. 07666 USA

chiropractor Teaneck NJ. 07666 New Jersey
Albert Stabile Jr., D.C., C.C.P.C.P., F.I.C.C.
- 1977 City College of New York, BA
- 1971 Columbia Institute of Chiropractic, DC
- 1966 Rockland Community College, AA
- Past Chairman and Standing Member of the New Jersey Board of Chiropractic Examiners Preliminary Investigating Committee
- Certified Accident Investigation and reconstruction by the American Trucking Association 1968
- Chiropractic License in New Jersey, New York, Florida and Pennsylvania
- Fellow International College of Chiropractors
- Thermography Certification by NJCS, April 1984
- Member of the Committee for Council on Chiropractic Guidelines and Practice Parameters (CCGPP) as the representative FCLB
- Certified in Scoliosis Examination and Technique in the use of Scoliometer by NJCS
- Including, certified in Non-Invasive Electro-Diagnostic Studies, 1998 University of Bridgeport Chiropractic College
- As well as, Certified Primary Care and Family Practice, 1998 University of Bridgeport Chiropractic College September 1998 Certification #1007
- Certified Manipulation Under Anesthesia The National-Lincoln School of Postgraduate Education March 2001
- Similarly, Certified AMA Maximum Improvement and Permanency Guidelines
- Also, Certified in Accident Investigation-American Trucking Association
- October - November 2018 Participated in the CCGPP Delphi Study for treatment of cervical spine protocols
- Member of the New Jersey Board of Chiropractic Examiners
- Past Chairman of the Continuing Education Committee
- Representative to the National Board of Chiropractic Examiners 2006-2015
- President of the New Jersey Board of Chiropractic Examiners April 2007-April 2011 and April 2012-April 2013
- Examiner for Part IV Clinical Examination National Board of Chiropractic Examiners-Participated in design and creation of 2006-2007-2008-2009-2011-2012-2013-2014, 2015-2016, 2016-2017 Part IV Clinical Examination.
- February 2010 and June 2014 Part III Clinical Examination Committee
- Delegate for New Jersey National Board of Chiropractic Examiners 2007-2014 and 2014-2015, 2016-2017.
- Alternate Delegate Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) 2007-2011-2012-2013-2015, 2016-2017
- Member of the Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards (FCLB) Committee on Informed Consent 2010-2011
- Past Member of Documentation Committee FCLB
- Including, Past Member Best Practices Committee FCLB
- Past Member Minutes Committee Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards 2009-2010
- 1971 to Present – Chiropractor
- Associates in Chiropractic Family Health and Wellness Center, P.A. President and Director since 1979. Practicing over 45 years
- Co-owner of Chiropractic Drag-N-Drop Notes, LLC which markets copywrite documentation software for Chiropractic offices.
- Postgraduate Instructor of Non-Invasive Electro-Diagnostic Studies, NCS, SEP and DSEP University of Bridgeport Chiropractic College and Texas Chiropractic College
- Patient Evaluation
- Examination
- Performance of the tests
- Interpretation
- Record Keeping
- Integration of Chiropractic Philosophy
- Post Graduate Instructor D'Youville Chiropractic College
- Additional Postgraduate Courses in the following areas:
- Scoliosis Determination, treatment, and management.
- Risk Management in the Practice of Chiropractic
- Proper record-keeping and performance of, case history, physical examination, orthopedic examination, neurological examination, chiropractic examination, patient testing, and treatment protocols.
- Jurisprudence
- Proper performance of Independent Chiropractic Examinations and how they differ from other types of examinations.
- Proper performance, differences, similarities, and documentation of various consultations and examinations for Workers Compensation Injuries, Automobile Accident Injuries, Fall Down Injuries, Defense Examinations, Plaintiff Examinations, Second Opinion Examinations, Malpractice Examinations, and Permanency Examinations.
- Risk Management and Medical Errors
- Outstanding Young Man of America 1981
- Feature Article “The Amazing Chiropractor Dr. Albert Stabile, Jr.” in American Chiropractor March 2005
- Past contributing Writer of Chiropractic Health Column
- Sun-Bulletin
- Bergen News
- Suburbanite
- The County Seat
- Interviewed for articles written in Parent Teachers Magazine
- Lower Back Problems
- The Affect of The Use of Electronic Media Devices on Children’s Spines
- The Affects of Use of Back Packs on Children's Spines
- Numerous Professional Chiropractic Papers for various Professional Organizations
- 1984-1999 Chiropractic Consultant to Chiropractic Public Relations-Chiropractic Patient Newsletter.
- Numerous Chiropractic Articles for Chiropractic Public Relations Patient Newsletter.
- 1998 Authored- Northern New Jersey Chiropractic Society Insurance Handbook
- Member of International Academy of Chiropractic Occupational Health Consultants
- And, member and One of the Founders of Academy for the General Practice of Chiropractic
- Member of Parker Chiropractic Research Foundation
- Ambassador Club of Columbia Institute of Chiropractic
- Sentry Club of New York Chiropractic College
- Diplomat Club of Columbia Institute of Chiropractic
- Past Board of Trustees of Bergen Passaic Federal Health Systems Agency
- As well as, past Chairperson of Preventative Health Care Task Force Bergen Passaic Federal Health Systems Agency
- Member of Pennsylvania Chiropractic Society
- Including, member of Florida Chiropractic Association
- Member Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research
- Past Member of Association of New Jersey Chiropractors
- Member of New York City Chiropractic College Alumni Association
- Past President of New York Chiropractic College Alumni Association
- And past Executive Secretary of New York Chiropractic College Alumni Association
- Member of City College of New York Alumni Association
- Past Secretary of New York Chiropractic College Alumni Association
- And, past Member Board of Trustees of New York Chiropractic College Alumni Association
- Past Member of American Chiropractic Association
- As well as, Past Alternate New Jersey Delegate to American Chiropractic Association
- Member of American Chiropractic Association Council on Roentgenology
- And, member of American Chiropractic Association Council on Chiropractic Diagnosis and Internal Disorders
- Past New Jersey PAC Representative for American Chiropractic Association
- Member of Ridgefield Park Elks Lodge #1506
- Master Mason and Member, Mosaic Lodge #194, Free and Accepted Masons
- Member Masonic Scottish Rite
- And, member of Palisades Pentalpha Chapter of Royal Arch Masons
- Noble of the Mystic Shrine and Member, North America, Salaam Temple, Livingston, New Jersey
- Member of the Masonic Knights Templar
- And, member E.J. Alberque Council, Knights of Columbus, Ridgefield Park
- Past President of Teaneck Kiwanis Club
- Plus, past Member of Council on Transportation Safety Supervisors, American Trucking Association
- Past Member and Chairman, Township of Teaneck Business and Industry Committee
- Life Member New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association (PBA) Physician’s Association
- Special Deputy Sheriff Bergen County
- Member of the New Jersey Police Honor Guard.
- Past Member of New Jersey Chiropractic Society
- As well as, past Chairperson-Instructor, Scoliosis Seminar, New Jersey Chiropractic Society
- Past Finance Committee, New Jersey Chiropractic Society
- And, past Peer Review Committee, N.J. Chiropractic Society
- Past Fund Raising Chairman, New Jersey Chiropractic Society
- Including, past Board of Directors (trustee), New Jersey Chiropractic Society
- And, past Insurance Complaint Committee Co-Chairman, New Jersey Chiropractic Society
Northern New Jersey Chiropractic Society
- Past Member of Northern New Jersey Chiropractic Society
- As well as, past Board of Directors of Northern New Jersey Chiropractic Society
- Past Insurance Committee Co-Chairman of Northern New Jersey Chiropractic Society
- Past Executive Secretary of Northern New Jersey Chiropractic Society
- And, past Insurance Complaint Committee Co-Chairman of Northern New Jersey Chiropractic Society
- Past Secretary of Northern New Jersey Chiropractic Society
- Federation of Chiropractic Licensing Boards Pillars of Regulation Award May 2009
- Graduation Alumni Award, Columbia Institute of Chiropractic
- Certificate of Merit, Columbia Institute of Chiropractic
- Honors Award, New York Chiropractic College Alumni Association 1981
- Voted Outstanding Young Man in America 1981
- Certificate of Appreciation for Exceptional Charity and Appreciation, New Jersey Masonic Century Club 1981
- Distinguished Service Award, New Jersey Chiropractic Society 1985-1986 and 1987-1988
- Recognition Award, Northern New Jersey Chiropractic Society 1988-1990
- Certificate of Appreciation, New Jersey Chiropractic Society 1991
- And, Certificate of Appreciation, Kiwanis Club of Teaneck 1975
Medical Reviewer for Robert Woods Johnson – AAA Arbitration CNA-State Farm-Prudential-Selective-Royal-MTF-Allstate-Guardian-Amgro-Cigna-Liberty Mutual-Pennsylvania Mutual-Aetna-Medical Determinations-Progressive Evaluation Services-United Chiropractic Review-Central Rehabilitation Associates-Med Control Evaluations-United Chiropractor Provider Network-Rasmussen Agency, Auto Injury Solutions, Procura Management, National Health Resources
We are prepared for you and your family.
In addition, for the protection of our customers and our employees, we're keeping up with the guidance of the W.H.O. and the I.C.C.
The staff have disinfected all surfaces and implemented recommended strategies to keep safe distances between all customers and employees.
Moreover, our chiropractor and staff are on top of the most current information available to businesses.
Please feel free to contact us with any questions about your health at 201-591-3141