Painkilling Your Athletic Performance

Painkillers are ubiquitous in the athletic world And no one ever stops to ask why? Are you using NSAIDs because you suffered an acute injury or because you have a tightly packed schedule that allows you no time to recover properly from the normal aches and pains of working out? The difference is telling: the…

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Decompression Therapy: Why It Feels So Good

What is compressing your spine?  To begin with, the downward force of gravity causes an ever-present compression of the spine. Compression of the spine causes a whole host of spine-related problems including back pain, herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, fractured vertebrae and other painful conditions. And while we can hardly suspend the force of gravity…

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How does Chiropractic Care Relieve Neck Pain


Chiropractic is a non-invasive option for chronically recurring neck pain Neck pain is one of the most intrusive and widespread types of discomfort that adult humans experience in their lifetime. At our office in Hackensack, we focus on treating cervical injuries including: cervical sprain, facet joint syndrome, whiplash and non-specific neck pain. Chiropractic is a…

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The Most Common Work-Related Injury


The most common work-related health complaint is lower back pain And when it comes to back pain in the workplace, we are quite often talking about a failure in ergonomics. Ergonomics is actually an applied science that studies human efficiency as it relates to the surrounding environment. Ergonomics in an office setting can be expensive,…

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Musculoskeletal Medicine Focuses on Pain


Gaining the upper hand on your pain  Musculoskeletal medicine seeks to understand pain on an individual basis and let the causes of the pain guide the treatment. When you come to our office, we work with you to create a full history and road map of your pain and confront the causes head on rather…

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With Pregnancy, Movement Makes a Difference


Don’t let the pains of pregnancy slow you down! Fact: your lower back is under fire when it comes to the bodily changes that come with pregnancy. But that doesn’t mean you have to accept the aches and pains of pregnancy as a bygone conclusion. With the help of chiropractic and a little proactivity on…

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