2018’s Health Tonic of the Year

Tonic of the year: common sense The Tonic is not some obscure, hard to find health cure; it costs nothing, and the upside is huge! The real Tonic is common sense: listening to your body and providing it with what it needs on a daily basis. As Americans, we too often ignore health imperatives and…

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Preventing Repetitive Strain in the Workplace

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is a classic example of repetitive strain If you work in an office setting, try to quantify the amount of hours you have spent in front of your computer. Now try to determine what percentage of that has you sitting motionless, with only your hands and fingers moving. Even if you can’t…

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Minimizing Stress and Maximizing Health this Holiday Season


Don’t let the holiday season run away from you The holiday season is a time of enjoying friends, family and good cheer. But there is a reason why many health experts and psychologists deem the month of December as one of the most stress-filled months of the year. We are constantly on the move- from…

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Avoiding Holiday Stress with Chiropractic


Stress has no place at Christmas time If you are feeling the sharp edge of stress this holiday season, know that you are not alone. The holiday season is the busiest time of year: amidst the bustle of christmas shopping, baking, decorating you may find yourself feeling slightly burnt out. It’s always important to take…

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Baking with Back Pain: a Christmas Horror Story


When Christmas baking causes back pain Baking is an activity that channels the joy of Christmas. But for people with chronic back pain, it is also an activity that can worsen their symptoms. Standing or sitting for long periods of time contributes to stiffness in spinal joints and tension in the muscles. Not only that,…

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Holiday Travels: Out of your Comfort Zone and in Pain


Holiday travels place an inordinate amount of stress on the spine Long hours spent in uncomfortable, unsupportive seats traversing the country can be a back pain sufferer’s worst nightmare. And once you reach your destination, you are often placed in an uncomfortable surrounding that further puts your spine in jeopardy. If your holiday season is…

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Weight Watchers Unite: the Holiday Season is Your Time to Shine


Going overboard: a typical holiday story You are couchlocked after a night of overeating; you couldn’t refuse a single bite and family members kept pushing pie down your throat. Well now look at you, sprawled and guilt-ridden; it’s not even Christmas eve yet. This is a typical dilemma that many of us face: the holiday…

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