A How-To For Sleeping With A Spinal Injury

Sleep is essential for pain management For people suffering from spinal conditions, sleep often offers the only reprieve in a day full of pain and discomfort. Being able to extend your spine on a comfortable mattress may offer pain relief for some, but for others, sleep is less easy to come by. When it comes…

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Eating Clean to Defeat Chronic Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is the natural result of a poor diet Foods that are high in processed ingredients usually contain high levels of sugar and bad fat- foods that make you feel OK and fill you up but let you down in the long run. A buzzword in the health community, inflammation is linked to all…

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How to Keep your Office from Being the Death of You


Office ergonomics are made for form and function but rarely are they made for good health Let’s subscribe to the conventional wisdom that working in an office has fewer risks than working construction, or directing traffic or being a lion trainer … … … The risks associated with office work are much less glaring and…

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