Chiropractic as Preventative Healthcare

Chiropractic preventative

For most people, chiropractic comes to mind only after an injury This is a shame because chiropractic might have prevented that very same injury. While obviously, this is not a 100% guarantee, a body under regular chiropractic maintenance is more resistant to injury and quicker to recover after an injury occurs. Depending on your level of activity (or…

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Keep Pain out of your Cycling Life

Cycling doesn’t have to cause you pain! For many people, cycling begins when you are a kid cycling around the neighborhood, and for many people it will remain that way, less of a means of transportation and more of a fun way to spend a few hours. But for people who take it as an…

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Taking the Exercise Initiative


Starting an exercise plan may hurt at first But keeping the upside in mind can help you overcome the roadblock of beginning. And once you get going, it only becomes easier- like a flywheel, your exercise routine will develop a momentum of its own, and the going will get easier. We believe that exercise is…

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Blood Flow = Brain Power


Let the blood flow, in the circulation sense Blood is your life force- it is the transport network that brings oxygen and nutrients throughout the body and carries away waste products that create problems when they accumulate. So what happens when circulation is stunted? Problems naturally occur when normal blood flow is restricted, including:  Fatigue; lack…

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