Life in the Mood Swing Lane

Mood swings are reflective of age and lifestyle. Changes in temperament are normal for everyone on earth; mood swings are the more abrupt and seemingly extreme changes that seem to come on without reason. If we take the time to probe a little deeper, however, there is always a reason. Perhaps stress has been insidiously stacking…

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Putting your Body Weight to Work

It’s time to make your weight work for you! No matter your body weight, or your level of activity, body weight training allows you to utilize the most basic resource of all, the body weight you’ve accumulated, to condition your body and build muscle. Best of all, no gym membership is required and you won’t…

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Healthy-ish: Starting Small with your Fitness Plan


Why is it so difficult to join the wide world of working out?  The start of a fitness plan is where many of us will fail. The reason is that with no momentum and no visible results, we lose motivation. We must therefore begin by redefining attitude: rather than obsessing over lost pounds, focus on…

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