When stress overwhelms Cortisol is the predominant stress hormone, and understanding it on a deeper level helps explain why. Cortisol is involved in a spectrum of processes in the human brain and body, from blood sugar regulation and metabolism to your body’s immune response. It is central to the body‘s fight or flight response which…
Read MoreHeat and ice are nature‘s pain relievers For people managing chronic pain, heat and ice are indispensible aids in the quest to keep pain and inflammation down. But heat and ice are often conflated- throw either one on your sore back for pain relief. As their names suggest, they actually perform opposite tasks: Heat boosts circulation…
Read MoreSleep starts with circulation Your brain is relying on you! Relying on you to provide it with the nutrients it needs to help you function. At night time, the function your brain wants to provide you with is sleep. You know, the restful, restorative sleep you need to wake up energized and on top of…
Read MoreOh! The joy of healthy joints Once we were young and our joints were unencumbered; our body weight was seemingly too insignificant to cause joint degeneration and we lived without pain. But that was then and this is now- with each passing year, the natural resilience of our joints recedes a little more. You may…
Read MoreResponding to the unique health demands of 2018 At Associates in Chiropractic, we are passionate about preventative healthcare. As each year goes by, we treat more people who are suffering from 21st century lifestyles: forward head syndrome from cell phone use, early onset spinal degeneration from white collar work, poor static posture because of underdevelopment…
Read MoreTonic of the year: common sense The Tonic is not some obscure, hard to find health cure; it costs nothing, and the upside is huge! The real Tonic is common sense: listening to your body and providing it with what it needs on a daily basis. As Americans, we too often ignore health imperatives and…
Read MoreCarpal Tunnel Syndrome is a classic example of repetitive strain If you work in an office setting, try to quantify the amount of hours you have spent in front of your computer. Now try to determine what percentage of that has you sitting motionless, with only your hands and fingers moving. Even if you can’t…
Read MoreDon’t let the holiday season run away from you The holiday season is a time of enjoying friends, family and good cheer. But there is a reason why many health experts and psychologists deem the month of December as one of the most stress-filled months of the year. We are constantly on the move- from…
Read MoreStress has no place at Christmas time If you are feeling the sharp edge of stress this holiday season, know that you are not alone. The holiday season is the busiest time of year: amidst the bustle of christmas shopping, baking, decorating you may find yourself feeling slightly burnt out. It’s always important to take…
Read MoreWhen Christmas baking causes back pain Baking is an activity that channels the joy of Christmas. But for people with chronic back pain, it is also an activity that can worsen their symptoms. Standing or sitting for long periods of time contributes to stiffness in spinal joints and tension in the muscles. Not only that,…
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