Chiropractic for Seniors: The Simple Truth

One of the greatest challenges facing seniors is mobility Starting during our thirties, all of us begin to lose bone and muscle mass. The rate at which this loss occurs is affected by many factors including level of activity, adherence to strength training, and diet. But after age 60, the rate of loss ramps up…

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Vegetables at the Thanksgiving Table

We all know the prototypical dishes that occupy a Thanksgiving table and many of us, although it’s true social distancing will be in order, still plan on preparing some sort of special meal for the special holiday weekend. Below, Associates in Chiropractic goes over a few Thanksgiving dishes that incorporate vegetables, which is going to…

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Experienced MMA Chiropractor at Your Service


Did you know that Associates in Chiropractic is an experienced MMA chiropractor and has experience providing effective drug-free treatments for athletes of all ages and all shapes and sizes? Chiropractic treatment has a ton of health benefits that the MMA fighter in particular might be interested in. If you practice martial arts of any kind…

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Your Friendly Neighborhood Teaneck Chiropractor


When it comes to finding a Teaneck Chiropractor, it’s important to cover all of the bases when making your selection. There are more than a few things that can and will go wrong if you don’t perform your due diligence when selecting your practitioner. After all, when you trust a chiropractor, you’re trusting them with…

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Chiropractor for Neck Stiffness


When neck stiffness occurs all bets are off. All that range of motion that you used to take for granted is now out the window. It might even be hard for you to look to the left and the right when suffering from a bad case of neck stiffness. But what if we told you…

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