The Underlying Causes of Sports Injuries

So many sports injuries are preventable

When a sports injury strikes, it is easy to lay blame in a number of directions that point away from your body- it could have been an aggressive tackle or faulty shoewear for example. But the most common sports injuries are simpler than that: sprains and strains are the manifestation of a breaking point within your body. All athletes are pushing themselves to perform harder and hopefully their bodies respond by rising to the challenge. But everyone has a breaking point: the truth is that most injuries which appear acute are partly caused by repetitive wear and tear. This makes your ”acute injury,” part of a chronic problem.


Common causes for sports injuries

At Associates in Chiropractic, we see sports injuries as a culmination of a number of factors including:

  • Systemic structural misalignment
  • Compromised range of motion
  • Bad biomechanics including poor posture when performing physical activity
  • Muscular imbalance and instability 

These internal shortcomings then combine with external forces to create pressure that your body is unable to bear, and injury is the natural result. With chiropractic, we focus on identifying and solving the above stated problems at the source so that you enter the playing field with your greatest natural advantage. 

Solving sports injuries from the inside out with chiropractic

Chiropractic helps parse the many causative factors of sports injury to keep you ahead of injury and at the top of your game. If you are interested in using chiropractic’s many healing modalities to improve sports performance, give our office in Hackensack a call to schedule an appointment today. 

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