Recovering Rapidly: How To Recuperate Fatigued Muscles Quickly

Sore muscles should indicate a successful workout

But pay attention to your speed of recovery. Muscle building relies on a simple formula in which you create tiny micro-tears in the muscle by exposing them to strain and then, during a period of rest, the muscles (using the power of protein) repair themselves to a stronger level than pre-workout. Delayed onset muscle stiffness is a term that refers to the swelling, tenderness, stiffness and general weakness of mucles and joints involved in a targeted workout. Depending on the degree of exercise, this period of muscle soreness can last anywhere from 12 to 72 hours.  

 How to make sore muscles recover quicker

It is important to observe a resting period- pushing on when your muscles are extremely sore is a certain way to cause injury. However, during the interim between workouts, here is how you can heal sore muscles in a healthy, natural way. 

  • Massage: massage breaks up the scar tissue, defeats stiffness and helps influence relaxation of the muscles and mind. 
  • Avoid complete lack of motion: this causes your muscles to tighten and inflammation to set in- static stretching is important post work out, and it can help to throw in a few stretches during your rest period.
  • Try heat: heat penetrates deep into the muscle, increasing circulation of oxygen and important nutrients to the muscles in need.
  • Consume lots of protein: perhaps the most important, the muscle repair formula relies on protein- before and after working out and a little before bed so your muscles can repair over night. 

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