
Friendly Reminders from your Chiropractor for Summertime.

Ways to avoid injury and improve health this summer:

Warm up and cool down: this applies to people of all ages, levels of fitness and at all times of the year. Limbering your muscles endows them with flexibility and a resistance to injury. As we get older, our muscles become more prone to injury from regular motions we may have been able to perform in our youth. A pre- and post-activity stretch routine can take as little as 10 minutes combined and save you from a host of injuries that could take months to repair. 


Get out and exercise: strengthen, improve circulation, reduce weight and make yourself happy all in one stroke. With the weather at its peak for the year, there is no better time to be outside hiking, swimming, golfing, or performing any activity that makes you happy. However, it is important to ensure that you have proper technique to avoide injuring yourself.

Hydrate: Replenish the fluids you lose through increased perspiration during the hot summer months. Every cell in your body needs to be properly hyrdated in order to perform: whether it is respiration, cardiovascular, immune system or nervous system functioning you are looking to improve, it all begins with being properly hydrated. 

Listen to your body: Are you feeling burnt out? Take a break. Sit in the shade, sip a cool drink and read a book. Surpassing your body’s physical ceiling can be dangerous for body and mind. As much as summer is a time of physical activity, it is also a time to relax and rejuvenate our mental health. 

Let us help you: whether it is keeping you flexible, helping you heal from injury, or aligning your spine, we are here for you. Our office in Hackensack is an invaluable tool in your quest for health; we encourage you to take advantage of this fact. Call our office at (201) 342-6111 today to schedule an appointment. 

Dr. Albert Stabile, D.C. 

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