Posts by Dr. Albert Stabile
Home is Where the Pool is, Happy 4th!
Getting wet: refreshing for the mind and soul; and, incidentally, extremely beneficial for the spine. With the downward force of gravity suspended, feel your body come alive in the pool. For such a holistic activity, swimming is rarely thought of as a first-choice fitness activity. It usually falls behind biking and running, two activities that…
Read MoreText Neck
Talk about a 21st-century condition: the name itself is enough to conjure images of buses full of commuters, head-phones in and heads down, scrolling through their individual news feeds. As a chiropractor, cell phone culture makes me despair. We are seeing the premature onset of spinal conditions linked to young lifestyles that involve too much electronic…
Read MoreNutrition for Herniated Discs
A diet for herniated discs is surprisingly similar to a diet for good spinal health, excepting that you probably need an extra boost of anti-inflammatory nutrients to reduce painful inflammation and help you focus on healing. Nutrition for the herniated disc is directly related to the anatomy of the injury: spinal discs are made up…
Read MoreWhy Swim?
Just as water can, you can be consumed with weight loss, so too can water be used as a workout medium that is less physically stressful to the body than other sports such as running. As a chiropractor, I wholeheartedly endorse the aerobic, low-stress nature of swimming as a means of losing weight and feeling…
Read MoreWater for Weight Management
Weight management is an integral part of any health plan and the importance only becomes more pronounced as we get older. When we decide to “diet,” to lose weight or use nutrition to maintain a healthy weight, it is important to take stock of your pantry. Diet is about attitude: if you choose to believe…
Read MoreAlcohol and Healing
For people trying to rehabilitate from a variety of back-pain inducing conditions and injuries, the pain-masking effect of alcohol could be causing you more trouble than the consumption is worth. Alcohol is known for it’s anesthetic quality which make it an easy go-to when severe pain or stiffness has got you down. However, along with…
Read MoreThe Perfect Pillow
It’s time to take stock of your pillow flock. How many of them are providing you with the comfort and support needed to sleep productively? On the flip side, how many of them are causing you to toss and turn in discomfort, and putting you at risk for obesity and depression? If assigning such serious…
Read MoreHerniated Discs
Herniated disc prevalence is on the rise in America. As modern trends lead us into more sedentary lifestyles, the cards become stacked against the spine’s chance at longevity. Cell phone obsession, desk-bound work schedules, and the wide availability of electronic entertainment have taught us to sit more than ever. At our office we are concerned…
Read MoreHow Stress Creates Pain
On the whole, our society operates with levels of stress that are bound to cause damage. Feeling great physically begins with feeling great mentally; how can you reasonably expect to overcome pain, lose weight or achieve any health objective if your mind is clouded by stress? We want to give you some reasons to consider…
Read MoreStretching with Resistance
Resistance stretching is about optimization: it allows you to achieve the flexibility improvements of a stretch routine while simultaneously building muscle. The idea is counter-intuitive, relying on the notion that a muscle can be shortened and lengthened simultaneously, giving you the best bang for your buck when it comes to your time. The 2016 Olympics…
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