COVID-19 Alert
We are open.
Due to the Pandemic and the inability to obtain the necessary PPE we were forced to close our office on March 19, 2020.
We have reopened on May 18, 2020, and will be working reduced hours. Until further notice, we will be open Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday from 8 AM to 1:30 PM.
We have missed you and we sincerely pray that you and your family are all healthy and wish God’s blessings on each of you.
Life will return to a new normal after this very awful and difficult time. I hope that this time has given each of us a new view on life and a detailed assessment of what is important.
To ensure the safety of our patients, the following protocols will be followed:
- Gloves and Masks will be required by all patients as well as the doctor.
- One patient will be admitted to the office at a time.
- Call the office when you arrive in the parking lot and we will call you when you can come into the office.
- Anyone arriving early will have to remain in their car and we will call you when you will be able to come into the office.
- We have hand sanitizer, antibacterial soap, and antiseptic spray.
- You will be given a short COVID 19 Case History and your temperature will be taken with a no skin contact digital thermometer.
- You will have to wash your hands prior to and after your treatment.
- The office will be sanitized after each patient, hands will be washed, and gloves will be changed after each patient.
Patients may have a re-examination at their return appointment.
Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation.
May God Bless and Keep You Safe and Healthy,
Albert Stabile Jr., D.C.