Aerobic vs. Anaerobic Running
Are you running aerobically or anaerobically? Are you aware of the difference? At Associates in Chiropractic, we believe that running is an integral piece of many people’s health plans. As it relates to holistic wellness, there are few activities that are more multi-dimensional. But it is important to know your reasons for running, because it determines how you run. The primary difference between aerobic and anaerobic running is whether your body has enough oxygen.
Aerobic running: you have enough oxygen. A light jog or recovery run after a hard workout. A good way to tell if you are running at this level is whether you have enough breath to maintain a conversation as you run. In this state, there is enough oxygen for your muscles to produce all the energy they need.
Anaerobic running: you do not have enough oxygen. You are running all out, trying to set a personal best. A good metric: are you gasping for air after your run? Because your muscles do not have enough oxygen they must borrow the energy from somewhere else in the body. This is when your body starts to burn sugar to make up the energy deficit, consequently over-producing lactic acid.
At this pace, lactic acid is accumulating within your body and it is not easily dispelled. As your body produces lactic acid, hydrogen is produced in excess as a byproduct. Hydrogen interferes with the signaling between muscles and nerves, preventing muscles contraction, slowing reaction times and causing fatigue. At an anaerobic pace, you are creating an imbalance whereby you burn carbohydrates and produce too much lactic acid for your body to remove.
At our office in Hackensack, we offer you the knowledge to make your exercise count. We help you set realistic fitness goals, which determine how you run. Chiropractic adjustment regulates the nervous system and helps the body recover quicker after heavy exercise. We seek to optimize your athleticism by making your muscles stronger, your circulation better and your coordination more efficient. Call our office in Hackensack at (201) 342-6111.
Dr. Albert Stabile, D.C., L.A.A.C.