Television and Exercise: a Perfect Match

Television time can be doubled up as workout time. While there is great value in using your time in front of the television to unwind- down time if you will- we often forego exercise for the easiness of kicking back on the couch. The two don’t have to be mutually exclusive; you can still get…

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Get Excited about Snacking

Meals are most important but snacking has its place too!  And it’s right in between! Snacking helps regulate blood sugar, which is important for people who need to stay steady throughout the day. When blood sugar drops low, we feel light-headed, hungry and stressed out- this is the classic formula known as “hangriness.” This drives…

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Welcome to the 21st Century with Repetitive Stress Injuries


Repetitive Stress Injuries are a reality for many modern workers If you are someone who works hours in front of a computer per day, take a second to appreciate all the hours you have spent doing what you do! When you add it up, you see that every day you perform the same task and…

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